Create bonds — Watch TV

Knock Knock
2 min readJun 7, 2022

Watching TV — One of the favorite pastimes for many of us. Sometimes we watch tv with others but mostly on our own, at least in my case. When I was young, the entire family would watch tv programs or movies or sports together. Now everyone has there preferences and also their personal device to watch so you can choose what you want to watch — which is usually different from what others want to watch. Fair enough. That is how I have been living life for past few years other than some occasional soccer or cricket matches with friends.

However, recently, with a friends invite to watch movie together with some other friends, I thought of it is as such a powerful activity. In general, I believe in everyone emitting some kind of energy. And I also believe that that energy can have different effect based on your mood which in turn is a result of hormones that you are producing. Don’t know if it is the smell that we can’t really smell consciously or it is something else (or maybe it is just my imagination) but I do believe in the phenomenon. It is most likely smell because the dogs can understand your mood and their sense of smell is their strongest tool. And I am thinking of something different from the electromagnetic radiation which is a known phenomenon.

Anyways, point is — when we are watching TV together with someone (or multiple people) and going through the same emotions — watching movie with similar concentration or supporting the same team in a sports game, we are at similar wavelength. We are releasing similar emotion related hormones exactly at the same time (assuming the personality of people is not completely opposite). And that is such a great way to build that bond. Imagine watching an emotional drama movie. You are not talking to each other but you are still going through the same or similar emotions. Your body is releasing similar hormones. You are connecting without even realizing. When you are done watching, the connection with the other people in the same room feels so much stronger. You feel lighter in general. Guards are down. It is probably even more powerful than talking where you end up taking a role of a listener and a talker and keep interchanging the roles.

This is anecdotal and based on my thinking and experience. But still wanted to share these thoughts.



Knock Knock

I like to think. Sharing the thoughts in case it makes sense to you and if it helps in any way! Let me know if it does. Will be encouraging!