The Laws and Flaws of Average
Sometimes when I am thinking about myself or anything I do, I tend to automatically (unconciously) compare against known averages so that I course correct when I need to. Whether it is how much water I should drink in a day or how many hours to sleep etc.
However, when I look at the research in detail where they talk about the sleep or water intake etc, there is always a caveat that says this is the average and every person has their own unique requirements. Which is so true. I can survive without drinking the recommended amount of water. When I drink the recommended level it doesn’t really help me that much. So goes against what works for an average person.
Same thing is true for other larger and social things in life. The society is formed with averages in mind. All the rules, social norms, what is right and what is wrong is based on the averages. And we forget in this whole averages rules that what is applicable on an average in a society may not be applicable to us as an individual. Many societal norms are very geographic, community or religion based, amongst other things. What maybe a standard in one society may not be acceptable in another. Which itself proves that there are no standards for humanity. What would work for an average person and a particular society may not work for each and every person that forms the society. But people are unfortunately judged against these standards which don’t mean anything when looked at an individual basis. Just a broad guiding principle. But one should be able to divert from this ‘guiding principle’ based on their own need and situations. Isnt it.
Although, I do agree that there are many if not most aspects of life where we are average and the rules apply to us. An average person sleeps at night. An average person eats 2–3 times a day. An average person looks for love and affection. All of these have exceptions. There will be people to who these rules do not apply. I guess it is an art to identify some of the subtle ones where one has to defy the societal norms and face the questions and consequences which are uncalled for if people will realize that these are meant to be on an average and may not work for everyone. We need to find our own path and create one based on our own needs. Based on what we think is right for us. Whether it is right or not eventually — nobody will ever know. And because of this flaw of averages, I wonder whether there is any ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’ on a societal basis…Maybe not. It is only right/wrong on an individual basis. And that too in the moment i.e. how we feel about it when we make those decisions — genuinely and without any anxieties or pressure from the outside world.
So I guess it is good to look at averages but it is better to look at ourselves. Everything that makes us. And everything that makes us different in whatever aspect we are from the average. And then acknowledge it and understand and accept it and enjoy it too.